Ahoy there! Avast Ye! The White Lodge are delighted to be able to announce their first tasting night of the year. This will be a very special event as attendees will be drinking six (yes six) different rums all made from scratch in Boynton (yes the Boynton on the outskirts of Brid!). The White Lodge have teamed up with their friends […]

‘Theirs is a fragile but hardy celebration… in the very teeth of winter’. The American writer Louise Beebe Wilder evocative description of snowdrops came to mind on a windy, but sunny, stroll past St. Oswald’s Church. Although there is still a bite in the wind, the sunshine and the sight of snowdrops and the emerging green […]

Today, 6th February 2022, Queen Elizabeth will have been Britain’s monarch for fully 70 years. It is a truly remarkable achievement and one worthy of celebration in these islands and across the Commonwealth. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has become the longest reigning monarch in British history, surpassing Queen Victoria’s 63 years and 216 days. […]