Tag Archives: Christmas

The snow and ice may have melted, so whilst there will be no white Christmas this year in Filey, it will definitely be a merry one. May we wish all our friends and readers, wherever they may be, a very Happy Christmas.

The sunny days of summer feel a distant memory. The snow came late last week and ever since the temperature has barely moved above zero. Mist is rising from the sea, as the water is warmer than the air temperature. Heavy snow is forecast for Wednesday, so wrap up folks! Keep your eye out […]

With the unveiling of the Fishtive Tree on the horizon, many of the town’s local businesses are beginning to plan for the Festive Season, with tempting offers and extended opening hours. Our friends at the award-winning Filey Distillery have announced extended opening times, and weekend shopping, in the run up to Christmas. Their fabulous gins would […]

As the temperature begins to drop and the days shorten, thoughts are beginning to turn towards the Festive Season. Already the phantom crocheteer of Filey has adorned the town’s main post box. So that’s it, the signal has been given to get the tree up and cover your house with millions of bright lights and […]

The phantom knitter of Filey has produced another classic ‘hat’ for the post box. With autumn turning to winter, workmen beginning to erect the town’s Christmas lights and the Fishtive Tree unveiling coming ever nearer, even the meanest of Scrooge’s has to finally give into the festive spirit. The post box has been wearing various knitted ‘hats’ ever […]

The Filey Fishtive tree has been lit, but sadly in line with the times, there was little or no ceremony. However, it is still quite a sight, made as it is from lobster pots, dressed with fishy bunting and topped by a golden salmon. Although it is only the fourth year that the tree has appeared on […]

As we approach the shortest day of the year, it’s the perfect time to visit the Coble Landing to see the Fishtive Tree lit up. It is constructed from lobster and crab pots by local fishermen. The tree is topped by a golden Salmon. Now into its third year the ‘fishtive’ tree is a much loved part of […]

Filey’s Fishtive Tree was lit on Saturday in front of a packed Coble Landing. The tree, made from lobster pots, is now into its third year. It has become something of an institution and indeed Christmas at Filey without it would now be unthinkable. The tree nestles among the boats of the Coble Landing and is built […]

Filey’s Fishtive Tree is set to be unveiled on Saturday 7th December. The ‘tree’ is quite a sight, made as it is from lobster pots, dressed with fishy bunting and topped by a golden salmon. Although it is only the third year that the tree has appeared on the Coble Landing, the fishtive tree has […]