Tag Archives: festivals

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With the season just over the horizon, several festivals are beginning to announce their line-ups and 2023 looks like being a bumper year for the town. A harbinger of summer has to be the signing on day at Southdene Bowling Club, pop along to the green (behind the Sea Cadets Building) on Wednesday 15 March […]

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Literature festival programme
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The much-anticipated launch of the programme for the Filey Literature Festival is taking place on Wednesday (19 February) in the Evron Centre foyer at 1pm. The sixteen page programme features all the events taking place at Filey’s inaugural literature festival that is being held over the bank holiday weekend of 22-24 May. The programme is […]

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Morris dancers at Filey Steampunk Festival
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On Thursday 24 October between 10am and 3pm, a trio of Filey festivals will be holding a fundraising tea, cakes and tombola event at the Evron Centre. The Filey Folk Festival, Steampunk Festival and Literature Festival are coming together to publicise their events and raise some much-needed cash. There will be a Victorian-style tea, complete […]

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