Filey Pubs in Good Beer Guide!
The bible of real ale lovers nation-wide has been published for 2023 and two of Filey’s finest establishments are featured as being among the best pubs in the land. The publication of the CAMRA Good Beer Guide is a highlight of year for beer lovers and this year marks the 50th anniversary of the guide.
The Star has been a regular in the guide and rightly so, as the pub’s selection of ales has been exceptional for many years. It’s a testament to the hard work of Lynn and Chris, and their staff, that the Star has become a staple of the guide.

The Star, Mitford Street, Filey
A new arrival in the guide is the Cobbler’s Arms, Filey’s favourite micro-pub. The range of real ales is ever-changing and the pub has become a popular haunt of visitors and locals alike. There’s often impromptu music sessions in this dog friendly pub. We’re genuinely delighted for the lovely Vicky, again it is a recognition of her work of taking the pub to new heights in recent years.

Cobbler’s Arms
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