Filey’s inshore lifeboat team called to rescue kayakers from Filey Bring

Filey’s inshore lifeboat was called to two separate incidents involving kayakers within the space of an hour at lunchtime on Saturday 14th October.
Shortly before 12noon, Humber coast guard requested the launch of Filey’s inshore lifeboat, Braund, following reports of 3 kayakers in difficulty at the end of Filey Brigg in a strong and freshening off-shore wind. The local fishing vessel “Boy Alan” was alongside and giving some lee to the kayakers, one of whom had capsized and was struggling against the cold,
The ILB launched shortly before high water, crewed by Neil Cammish, Gary Wilson and Tom Barkley and were with the kayakers a few minutes later.
The ILB crew retrieved the kayakers and their kayaks from the water and took them back to Coble Landing, Filey to hand them over to Filey Coastguard Rescue Team cold but otherwise none too worse for their experience.
Meanwhile, it had been established that the kayakers had been with a party of 10 and although 5 had made their own way back to the beach and 3 had been rescued by the ILB, a further 2 kayakers who had managed to land on Filey Brigg needed assistance, especially as it was now high water.
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