Sea Cadets remember the fallen of the Battle of Flamborough Head
On Sunday, in a fitting conclusion to the commemorations of the 242nd anniversary of the Battle of Flamborough Head, Filey’s Sea Cadets made their way to the Memorial Gardens for a short service of remembrance for the 400 sailors, of all nations, who died in the battle.
Sadly, due to the intervention of a Filey Town Councillor, the planned parade from St Oswald’s Church had to be cancelled because not all the correct forms had been filled out. So the cadets made their way from their base on Southdene to the Memorial Gardens. Of course, being well-trained they naturally walked in step and, by the time they arrived at the Memorial Gardens, their walk resembled a parade. All to the delight of a watching crowd that grew to around two hundred people.
The Commanding Officer of Filey’s Sea Cadets, Ken Lomas, said:
“Can I just say a huge thank you to the people of Filey. After not parading in public for nearly two years it was a great feeling to have the support of Filey community, as strong as ever. The applause as we left after the service were so appreciated and made us all proud to be there. Once again, thank you to everyone.”

Filey’s Sea Cadets arriving at the Memorial Gardens. Pic courtesy of Kim Hodgson.
The complainant Filey Town Councillor viewed events from outside CJ’s chip shop. Telling all who would listen about ‘procedures’ and how she ‘could have all this stopped’. Of course, we live in a democracy and she had every right to voice her opinions. As do the electorate.
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