Train Timetable Returns to Pre-Covid Hourly Service
From 16 May the train service will return to its pre-covid service level of one train every hour between Hull and Scarborough and vice versa. A huge relief for those who use the train to travel for work and shopping. Additionally, it will improve connections at Seamer for those travelling further afield. The full timetable can be downloaded here.
We’re fortune to have retained our lovely station at Filey, it was under threat of demolition a few years back, but thankfully the covered train shed was saved. How awful it would have been to have ended up with a couple of draughty bus shelters. Instead the station houses a handy taxi office and the recently reopened Buffers Cafe. We will be visiting the cafe soon, so expect another post later this week!

Newly opened Buffers Cafe with outdoor seating.
As always there are areas of the timetable that might work better with a few tweaks. In particular it is frustrating that the first northbound train (06.30 from Filey) misses a TransPennine connection towards York by seconds at Seamer. A slight acceleration of the timing would improve connections at York to places such as London, Edinburgh and Manchester Airport by hours. As ever, the connections at Seamer are vital to the performance of the coast line, but the fact that many folk still choose to drive to Seamer to ensure connections with mainline trains tells its own story. In fairness, the punctuality of our trains has been exceptional over recent months, but experience tells us that whether a connection is held at Seamer is hit and miss. The connections need to be made more robust. Perhaps an area for the management of Northern Rail and TransPennine Express to work on.
The last weekday train from Scarborough now departs at 21.19, still far too early for trips to see concerts or visit the Stephen Joseph Theatre. Surely, in the summer at least, a 22.19 departure might attract some custom?
But these are slight quibbles. The current timetable of hourly trains is the best-ever service level. The stations themselves are ablaze with colour in the summer, thanks to the help of many local volunteers, co-ordinated by the wonderful Yorkshire Coast Community Rail Partnership. We can only but hope that rail use returns to something like a normal level. Road use has returned to pre-pandemic levels and indeed in Filey they appear to have gone past even that. As the town struggles on sunny days from a huge influx of cars, we hope that the improved rail service will entice some to take the train.
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